Fox and Hedgehog by Jane McGinley

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Happy Spring!!

Ah, 20th March, it's now officially here... Spring! Bringing all the excitement of longer and warmer days...

It's also Persian New Year today, Nowruz, meaning 'New Day', I'm not Persian but my colleague who sits opposite me at work is and she bought these delicious treats in for us all! Mmm, cinnamon and pistachio treats!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Perry and gardening

Wasn't the weekend that just passed, beautiful?! The first truly Springy one! So as we promised ourselves, we cracked open the first bottle of our perry! And... it was delicious!! Well worth the wait! Nice and dry and flat with a lovely taste of the pears. We enjoyed it outside in the sunshine after the first phase of planting in the Hastings garden!
